New Game Plus is a mechanic of Dark Souls 2 that allows players to reset their journey but continue on with the same character, facing against tougher opponents and becoming stronger in the process. Once the Final Boss has been defeated in the Throne of Want, the player can rest at the bonfire in Majula and choose to begin another playthrough. The second playthrough is referred to as "NG+," the third "NG+2," etc., going all the way to "NG+7".

Advancing into the next playthrough will cause the entire game to essentially 'revert' to the beginning. The player will begin in Things Betwixt with all bonfires deactivated and all bosses, NPCs, and items respawned. However, the player will still retain their levels, souls and all items, with some exceptions (see below).

New Game + Dark Souls 2 Guide

 What will carry over to NG+

  • Soul Level.
  • Soul Memory.
  • All consumable souls currently being carried.
  • All weapons and armor, including 'Item Box' items.
  • Most consumable items and equipment.
  • Pharros' Lockstones remain, but all contraptions will be locked again.
  • Souls of Giants remain.
  • DLC crowns remain, but Vendrick won't recognize them, so blessing cannot be received at once after obtaining Ashen Mist Heart.
  • Any Bonfire Ascetics used will retain their effect (so if a Bonfire Ascetic is used in NG to transform that area's difficulty to NG+, when the player enters NG+ that particular bonfire's intensity will be increased by one above the normal limit).
  • All pyromancies, sorceries, hexes, and miracles.
  • The number of Estus Flask charges and their upgrade level.
  • Covenants joined and covenant ranks achieved.
  • Aged Feather.
  • Sins.

 What doesn't carry over


Changes to the game

 Illusory Ring Walkthrough

      • If you decide to go for the Illusory Ring of the Exalted / Conqueror (which require a walkthrough by no death, no resting at a bonfire) be sure to stock all consumables into 99 in both your inventory and bottomless box. Make sure that you farm for healing items, specifically Divine Blessings as they nullify all status effects and fully restore health; they're essentially a better version of the Estus Flask.
      • If you want to skip the four Old Ones, farm the Giant Lord in the Forest of Fallen Giants. He can provide upwards of 400,000 souls if you wear all possible soul-increasing gear; his arena provides Divine Blessing, and his Great Soul is worth a lot of souls as well; consuming all the collected souls from him in your next cycle seriously boosts your Soul Memory and can help you open the Shrine of Winter early.
      • The four Old Ones themselves are excellent farming targets as well; they drop both their soul and an Old Soul as well. Consume both souls of each of the four bosses in your next cycle and you can easily hit the 1,000,000 SM mark.
      • For Casters: raise your Soul Level to at lease 300; invest in Vigor, Vitality, Attunement, Intelligence, Faith, Adaptability to around 50-99 and plug Strength and Dexterity to their lowest with the help of Soul Vessel. Carry only Dark Hail or Great Resonant Soul, Dark Sunset Staff +5, Dark Witchtree Branch +10 or Dark Caitha's Chime +10.
      • Be sure to use Amber Herb, Repair Powder and Divine's Blessing wisely since you can no longer restock Estus Flask until you defeat Nashandra and the credits roll.
      • The Crown of the Old Iron King also restores spell uses.
      • Since one of the rings requires you not to rest at a bonfire, stock up on Amber Herbs, Twilight Herbs, and Wilted Dusk Herbs and equip the sorcery Repair, regardless of your build. Also stock up on 99 Repair Powder from Chancellor Wellager.
      • Be sure to also bring in 4-5 maxed out armor sets, including special sets that specifically reduce certain damage (i.e. bring Straid's set for max magic reduction, Smelter set for max fire reduction, etc.) so that you are ready for every area of the game.
      • There is no turning back, it only gets harder and harder from here; do it in one shot!
      • Alternately, Santier's Spear has infinite durability.

Guide on possibly the easiest route to do this by mrman2972: Click Here

 Changes from Dark Souls 1

    • The game will not automatically start the next playthrough once the final boss is defeated, you can start NG+ from the bonfire in Majula.
    • The enemies don't just get stronger; more of them will spawn, including some new enemies, particularly more NPC black phantom versions, and a few boss fights are slightly altered.
    • There are new items exclusive to NG+ and beyond, such as higher level rings.
    • Sins committed carry on to NG+ rather than set to no sins.

Preparing for NG+

  • Buy any items you want from merchants, particularly late game ones as you won't be able to access them until you reach that point in NG+. Your shopping list would look like this:
    • 999 arrows of your favorite kinds from the different merchants you have unlocked.
    • 99 Amber Herbs, Green Blossoms, and Flame Butterflies from Ornifex (won't sell unlimited until you finish the game again).
    • All the Titanite you can carry from Stone Trader Chloanne in Majula.
    • Poison items from Gavlaan in Doors of Pharros.
    • All limited and useful items like Human Effigies, Radiant Lifegems, Twilight Herbs, Bonfire Ascetics, and so on since they will be reset when you start again.
    • Tip: Use your item box to store an additional 99 or 999 of any arrow type, Titanite, or consumable item(s).
    • Trade stones with Dyna and Tillo for helpful items.
  • Trade any leftover boss souls with Ornifex and Straid of Olaphis for boss soul weapons.
  • (Optional) Kill any NPCs from whom you never received their items the normal way. Note: Sin carries over into NG+, so if you don't want to be invaded by many blue phantoms, refrain from going on a total killing spree.
    • Arbiter Spirits will invade you and attempt to kill you but, with each time you get killed, they lower your sin level at a rate of -1 "sin" per death, down to a minimum of 9 (the point where you are no longer a "sinner" and blues may no longer invade you).
    • Absolving Sin via Cromwell the Pardoner only resets NPC hostility towards you if you attacked them but didn't kill them. Contrary to popular opinion this will NOT reset your Sinner status.
  • Farm for Titanite and any other items you might need.
  • Upgrade all your main weapons to max level, since enemies in NG+ have more health and hit for more damage. Upgrading your armor is also advisable, though not incredibly helpful.
  • Infuse any weapons you will need at MacDuff before you have to find the Dull Ember again.
  • Find and use any leftover Estus Flask Shards and Sublime Bone Dust. The max amount of flasks is 12 and the max flask level is +5. If you miss some, don't worry, since they will respawn in NG+.
  • Kill any optional bosses you may have missed, such as DarklurkerAncient DragonVendrick or the Royal Rat Authority.
    • After killing Vendrick, get the King's Set and his soul from the Shrine of Amana.
    • Killing the Ancient Dragon isn't necessary to get any rare items or achievements, so he can be safely left alone if he proves too difficult. However, you should get the real Ancient Dragon Soul from the Dragon Memories.
  • Find and kill any remaining Crystal Lizards as they yield useful and rare ore.
  • You can save some dropped souls (like Soul of a Great HeroSoul of a Brave Warrior, etc.) in order to use them in NG+ to access more powerful weapons/spells faster.
  • The Ruin Armor set dropped by the Ruin Sentinels inside Drangleic Castle can only effectively be farmed in your first playthrough, as they have very limited (if not zero) respawns in NG+.
  • Get Manslayer from Shrine of Amana. This will require completing the Milfanito quest line if you haven't already.
  • Collect Seed of a Tree of Giants if you haven't already.
  • Spend 16k souls at Maughlin the Armorer and buy any boss armor useful to you.
  • Search and kill all torch-wielding Hollows to maximize your torch time for NG+ (Huntsman Copse(1), The Gutter(3), Brightstone Cove Tseldora(2 torch-wielding pawns) & Undead Crypt(1))
  • If you have used Bonfire Ascetics, clear the area for items one last time if you haven't done so already.
  • Downgrade your spell or miracle requirements with Magerold in Iron Keep.
  • Speak with Cale the Cartographer in his mansion to receive his gear.
  • Complete Navlaan's quest line if you didn't release him earlier. Have the Ladder MiniatureCale's Helm, the Sunset Staff, and the Aged Feather in your inventory. Navlaan will give you a few spells and sell you some useful items.
  • Assuming you've got the King's Ring, go back to Grave Warden Agdayne and collect all his gear and Darkdrift.
  • Assuming you've got the King's Ring, go back to Strowen (stat reallocation Firekeeper) and talk to her for Human Effigy x6.
  • Keep in mind that for a no bonfire run, you can light the bonfire but you don't have to rest at it. This way you'll respawn at the last bonfire lit if you die. Additionally from here, be careful of which bonfires you decide to light. If you get all the way to the end of the Undead Crypt and activate the second bonfire before the Velstadt fight, you will then be forced to slog your way back across the Undead Crypt, Shrine of Amana, Drangleic Castle, and Shrine of Winter before finally reaching the Shaded Woods to light a fire in Aldia's Keep. You may also want to be careful of lighting the bonfire underneath Drangleic Castle, as you will be able to light it later in order to have a respawn point for the final boss if necessary. Skipping bonfires may be a good idea, as that way when you're backtracking you will still have a bonfire to light, and will be a little closer to your respawn point if necessary.


New items and enemies in NG+ (NG+2)


Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls 2

Things Betwixt

New Items

  1. Falconer set: dropped by Falconers.
  2. Smooth & Silky Stone x3: waterfall on the left side of the bridge (NG: Small Smooth & Silky Stone x1).
  3. Rusted Coin x5 (NG+2): glade with Prowler Hounds, right side, past a log (NG/NG+: Rusted Coin x1).
  4. Heavy Crossbow +5, Imported set +5 and Shortsword +5: dropped by dark spirit Crossbowman.

New Enemies

  1. Falconers: scattered around the grass area at the start, before going up to Prowler Hounds. These Falconers are unique in that they actually use trained falcons to attack the player and yield a bit more souls (700 vs 520 in other areas).
  2. Dark spirit Goblin x2: same as in Shaded Woods, but dark spirit version. They jump from above just before the bridge to Firekeepers' hut.
  3. Dark spirit Crossbowman: through the 2nd fog gate, kick down the tree, drop down the hole, he's blocking the ladder. Another option is to shoot him down while he's standing on the overpass above the main path.

Forest of Fallen Giants

 New Items

  1. Heavy Bolts x20: behind a bookshelf before Cardinal Tower bonfire (NG: Wood Bolts x20).
  2. Wilted Dusk Herb x3: rooftops, cave exit above Cale the Cartographer (NG: Amber Herb x1).
  3. Knight set (pieces): dropped by dark spirit Knight (two spots).
  4. Titanite Chunk x3: room with ballistae, lower floor, metal chest (NG: Titanite Shard).
  5. Large Soul of a Proud Knight + Old Radiant Lifegem x3: path to Pursuer's arena, top floor (NG: Soul of a Nameless Soldier + Lifegem x3).
  6. Radiant Lifegems: dropped by Royal Swordsmen (NG: regular Lifegems).
  7. Catarina set (pieces), Broadsword +5, Heavy Crossbow +5: dropped by dark spirit Catarina Knight.
  8. Syan's set (pieces): dropped by dark spirit Syan Soldier.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Knight: above the trap gate next to Mild-mannered Pate.
  2. Dark spirit Hollow Soldier x2 (Bastard Sword): room with ballistae.
  3. Dark spirit : near the Giant Tree, opposite to ballistae room. Unlike other dark spirits, this one yields less souls (NG+: 750 vs 1'200 for regular Ironclad Soldiers).
  4. Dark spirit Hollow Soldier (Halberd): path to Pursuer.
  5. Dark spirit : ruins near Soldier's Rest bonfire. Appears out of nowhere and completely block the narrow path.
  6. Dark spirit Catarina Knight: appears above the room with Giant Tree that yields Seed of a Tree of Giants.
  7. Dark spirits Knight (katana + greatsword) and Syan Soldier: both appear next to King's Gate (below Cardinal Tower bonfire).

 No Man's Wharf

 New Items

  1. Titanite Chunk: start, house on the left, wooden chest on the 2nd floor (NG: Titanite Shard).
  2. Iron Arrows x30: lower floor, shack with a Hollow Prisoner (NG: Iron Arrows x10).
  3. Black Firebomb x3, Large Titanite Shard x3: Lonesome Gavlan's lockup, lower floor, activated wall, chest x2 (NG: Firebomb x3, Large Titanite Shard x1).
  4. Fire Arrows x30: stairs in the house with two Darkdwellers, past the bell that calls for the ship (NG: Fire Arrows x10).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Aurous Knight (twinblade): the ship, next to Undead Jailer.

 Shaded Woods

 New Items

  1. Gower's Ring of Protection: foggy forest, right side, not far from start (NG: Lloyd's Talisman – remains in NG+). Note: another instance of the ring can still found in Drangleic Castle.
  2. Soul of a Brave Warrior: corpse close to exit to Shaded Ruins bonfire (NG: Large Soul of Nameless Soldier).
  3. Magic Arrows x30: Shaded Ruins bonfire, middle of the bridge, down the slope, wooden chest (NG: Magic Arrows x10).
  4. Divine Blessing: edge of a large boarded hole leading to locked up Weaponsmith Ornifex (NG: Lifegem).
  5. Twinkling Titanite x3: the same hole, caves with Basilisks (NG: Twinkling Titanite x1).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Goblin: Ruined Fork Road bonfire, left exit, on the path to Shrine of Winter, accompanied by a regular Goblin (since NG).

 Brightstone Cove Tseldora

 New Items

  1. Titanite Shard x3 + Large Titanite Shard x3: drop into the well next to Royal Army Campsite bonfire (NG: Titanite Shard x1).
  2. Magic Bolts x20: trapped wooden chest in the second cave with Spiders (NG: Heavy Bolts x20)
  3. Titanite Chunk x3 + Titanite Slab: lower sands, smaller house before the crystal mine (NG: Titanite Chunk x1).
  4. Wilted Dusk Herb x3: spider pit before the boss arena, one of the platforms (NG: Twilight Herb).

 New Enemies

  1. Giant Undead Devourer (boar, in short) x2: appear among the tents next to Royal Army Campsite bonfire, spawn once. This particular swine refuses to follow the player down to dig up Pickaxe.
  2. Dark spirit Dark Priestess (respawning): past secret wall, just before Prowling Magus and Congregation boss.
  3. Dark spirit Spider x2: Lower Brightstone Cove bonfire.
  4. Dark spirit Wanderer (dual swords): lower sands, next to crystal mine.

 The Gutter and Black Gulch

 New Items

  1. Heide Greatlance: dropped by Heide Knight lancer (spawns once), found at the bottom of the house opposite to first Swollen Mongrel.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Rupturing Hollow x4: house past a ring of sconces nor far from the start, lower platform. Quick death and broken equipment.
  2. Poison Statue Cluster: Black Gulch Mouth bonfire, top of the path.

 Harvest Valley

 New Items

  1. Titanite Chunk x3: poison pit on entrance, cluster of items to far right (NG: Titanite Chunk x1).
  2. Palestone: poison pit on entrance, cave, wooden chest next to Lonesome Gavlan (NG: Raw Stone – remains in NG+).
  3. Twinkling Titanite: compartment with 4 Undead Huntsmen past The Mines bonfire, upper level, exit (NG: Titanite Shard).
  4. Human Effigy x3 + Large Titanite Shard x3: poison pit past The Mines bonfire, second cave on the left (NG: Human Effigy + Large Titanite Shard).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Undead Huntsman x2: one is in the compartment with 4 regular Undead Huntsmen past The Mines Bonfire, another one is in the boarded cave not far from that compartment; that one will save you the trouble of luring Banedigger in and will break the boards himself.

 Iron Keep

 New Items

  1. Dragonrider set: sold by Magerold of Lanafir (once Twin Dragonriders are defeated). It's enough to burn Bonfire Ascetic to be able to buy that armor set.
  2. Twinkling Titanite: forge at the side of the bridge dropped via two levers (NG: Large Titanite Shard x2 + Petrified Dragon Bone – the latter remains in NG+).
  3. Soul of a Brave Warrior: Ironhearth Hall bonfire, lava-filled hall past it, suspended platforms (NG: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier).
  4. Destructive Greatarrow x30: same hall; pull the lever and enter clock tower, wooden chest next to ladder (Destructive Greatarrow x10).
  5. Drakekeeper's Great Hammer: dropped by dark spirit Half-Ironclad.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Alonne Knight Captain: door past the first bridge, right where 2 NPC invasions happen back to back. Have fun.
  2. Dark spirit Alonne Knight Captain x3: suspended bridge, one spirit is wandering below, two more are found in the forge (raging fire doesn't seem to bother them).
  3. Dark spirit Alonne Knight: inside a small tower across Smelter Demon's arena (with Pharros healing pool on top).
  4. Dark spirit Alonne Knight: Ironhearth Hall bonfire, lava-filled hall past it, a narrow path in lava.
  5. Mimic: hall past Ironhearth Hall bonfire, side door, Pharros contraption and secret exit to Belfry Sol – chest containing Thunder Quartz Ring +1 will turn hostile.
  6. Dark spirit Half-Ironclad: just below Eygil's Idol bonfire. Expect trouble: he wields a great hammer and is immune to backstabs thanks to wearing Ironclad armor, plus he moves fast enough to reach you anywhere in this small room.

 Shrine of Amana

 New Items

  1. Soul of a Brave Warrior: Tower of Prayer bonfire, bottom (NG: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier).
  2. Large Soul of a Brave Warrior + Elizabeth Mushroom: house between 2nd and 3rd bonfires (NG: Large Soul of a Proud Knight + Old Radiant Lifegem).
  3. Magic Arrows x30 + Dark Arrows x30: Rise of the Dead bonfire, half-drowned chest outside (NG: Magic Arrows x20).

 New Enemies

  1. Amana Priestess (healer): next to 3 Archdrake Pilgrims at the end of the first portion of the lake. Lure them out of her healing range.
  2. Dark spirit Butcher: Crumbled Ruins bonfire, find Old Knight nearby and spirit will appear next to him.
  3. Amana Priestess (healer) + Archdrake Pilgrim x2: before the mist leading to third bonfire. As if there wasn't enough enemies already…

 Aldia's Keep

 New Items

  1. Elizabeth Mushroom x3: corridor past the dragon statue (close to Ritual Site bonfire), under a table (NG: Radiant Lifegem).
  2. Monastery set and Monastery Scimitar: dropped by dark spirit Painting Guardian (one item per NG cycle, with repetitions).
  3. Soul of a Hero: Ritual Site bonfire, acid pool with Swollen Mongrels, one of the corpses (NG: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier + Corrosive Urn x4 – the latter remains in NG+).
  4. Cracked Red Eye Orb x2: one of the two wooden Mimics in the storage unlocked with Aldia Key (NG: Bonfire Ascetic).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Painting Guardian (non-respawning): Ritual Site bonfire, hiding behind a painting on the left side (if facing mist gate to boss).

 Memory of VammarOrro and Jeigh

 New Items

  1. Petrified Something: wooden chest past the door next to Captain Drummond (NG: Smooth & Silky Stone x5 – remains in NG+).
  2. Large Soul of a Brave Warrior: small area with two Giants, broken building on the left (NG: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier).
  3. Crimson Water x3: exit, bottom of the stairs (NG: Rouge Water).
  4. Soul of a Great Hero: exit, top (NG: Soul of a Hero + Torch – the latter remains in NG+).
  1. Soul of a Hero: battlefield, ladder up to archers (NG: Soul of a Proud Knight).
  1. Divine Blessing: heavily bombed passage, past the head, right (NG: Old Radiant Lifegem).

 New Enemies

There are no new enemies.



  New Items

  1. Moon Butterfly Wings, Cuffs, and Skirt: bought from Maughlin after defeating Smelter Demon, Looking Glass Knight, The Lost Sinner, Velstadt, Throne Watcher and Throne Defender. He will sell this only if you've spent 15,000 souls or more, and it's only obtainable on NG+ (by burning Bonfire Ascetic as well as by going into "true" NG+).
  2. Moon Butterfly Hat (NG+2): sold by Maughlin after doing the same as above (including Bonfire Ascetic option).
  3. Moon Butterfly Shield (NG+2 only, Bonfire Ascetic won't do): in a chest in Maughlin's Shop, up a ladder (NG/NG+: Titanite Shard).
  4. Human Effigy x5: wooden chest on the path to Forest of Fallen Giants, on a small island under a narrow bridge (NG: Human Effigy x1).

New Enemies

  1. Skeleton: one more Skeleton will show up in Mansion's basement with every NG+ cycle up to NG+7. These Skeletons yield more souls (NG: 700 vs 110 or 170 in other areas) and deal more damage, so don't underestimate them.
  2. Mimic: metal chest on the path to Forest of Fallen Giants will turn hostile. (Loot will be the same: Rusted Coin x1.)

Heide's Tower of Flame and Cathedral of Blue

 New Items

  1. Skeptic's Spice: corpse next to first lever (NG: Lloyd's Talisman).
  2. Token of Fidelity + Cracked Blue Eye Orb x3: dropped by Blue Sentinel dark spirits (same set of items from each).
  3. Token of Spite: dropped by dark spirit Chariot Lance Executioner.
  4. Monastery Charm x3: spiral stairs past Tower of Flame bonfire (NG: Monastery Charm x1).

 New Summon Signs

  1. Devotee Scarlett: on the path to Cathedral of Blue, before the stairs, right side.
  2. Masterless GlencourCathedral of Blue entrance (mist to boss), once Dragonrider is defeated (with or without aid – needs testing).

 New Enemies

  1. Old Knight x2 (great hammer): one is in the back of the trio of knights, another one is guarding the stairs to Cathedral of Blue. Both only spawn once.
  2. Old Knight (greatsword): before the stairs leading to Dragonrider, next to Heide Knight. Yields more souls than the one found in rotunda.
  3. Dark spirit Blue Sentinel x3: one on the stairs leading to Cathedral of Blue, next to Hellkite Dragon, two more on the bridge past it.
  4. Dark spirit Chariot Lance Executioner: before Dragonrider, right on top of Masterless Glencour's summon sign,

 The Lost BastilleSinners' Rise and Belfry Luna

 New Items

  1. Large Titanite Shard x5: The Tower Apart bonfire, tower where Lucatiel of Mirrah is found, metal chest on top (NG: Large Titanite Shard x1).
  2. Crimson Water x3: activated wall on the stairs past Ruin Sentinels, wooden chest (NG: Rouge Water).
  3. Resplendent Life (miracle): Straid's Cell bonfire, next cell (unlocked with Bastille Key), corpse (NG: Petrified Dragon Bone + Firebomb x3 – the latter remains in NG+).
  4. Radiant Lifegem x8: bridge to Sinners' Rise, nook on the right side, guarded by Royal Swordsman (NG: Lifegem x8).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Undead Jailer: upper walls, on the path from Exile Holding Cells bonfire.
  2. Dark spirit Attack Dog: in the corridor leading from the storage with many chests to above McDuff's smithy.
  3. Undead Aberration x2: at the bottom of the elevator shaft leading to The Lost Sinner, accompanied by Flexile Sentry (since NG).
  4. Dark spirit Rupturing Hollow: right side stairs past Flexile Sentry.
  5. Dark spirit Undead Jailer x2: guarding the gates on either side of mist gate leading to The Lost Sinner.
  6. Dark spirit Attack Dog x2: between Belfry Gargoyles' arena and Upper Ramparts bonfire, guarding a chest.

 Doors of Pharros

 New Items

  1. Dragon Charm x5: wooden chest on the first slope, guarded by Gyrm (NG: Dragon Charm x1).
  2. Old Radiant Lifegem: Gavlan's final location, stone idols (NG: Lifegem).
  3. Wilted Dusk Herb x2: Rat's lair, far end of the pool (NG: Amber Herb x2).
  4. Magic Arrows x30: Rat's lair, upper floor, Pharros contraption on the floor, chest guarded by Gyrm (NG: Magic Arrows x15).

 New Enemies

There are no new enemies.

Grave of Saints

 New Items

  1. Large Soul of a Brave Warrior: shrine at the start (NG: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier).
  2. Twinkling Titanite x2: stone bridge past Grave Entrance bonfire, corpse (NG: Bleed Stone – remains in NG+).
  3. Dingy set +5: dropped by dark spirit Firekeeper found at the bottom.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirits Faraam Knight and Firekeeper: bottom of the well. Given the presence of Rupturing Hollows, it's safer to shoot both spirits from the bridge.

Huntsman's Copse and Undead Purgatory

 New Items

  1. Large Soul of a Proud Knight + Old Radiant Lifegem: house with boarded windows (NG: Soul of a Nameless Soldier + Lifegem).
  2. Elizabeth Mushroom: Bridge Approach bonfire, past the bridge, left and down (NG: Lifegem).
  3. Aromatic Ooze x3: past the same bridge, forward, next to Undead Huntsman (NG: Aromatic Ooze x1).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Undead Huntsman x2: appear next to a cave with few Rogues, on either side of it, almost blocking already narrow path that leads to Skeleton Lords.
  2. Dark spirit Purgatory Guardian x4 (crescent sickle x2 + whip x2): path to Undead Purgatory (regular Purgatory Guardians replaced).
  3. Dark spirit Heavy Knight (ultra greatsword + greatshield): not exactly new, as he's guarding the entrance to Undead Purgatory since NG, but he starts respawning in NG+.

 Earthen Peak

 New Items

  1. Divine Blessing x3: broken bridge with Grave Warden and a chest, around Mild-mannered Pate's location (NG: Radiant Lifegem).

 New Enemies

  1. Desert Sorceress: on a broken bridge next to a suspicious, but unbreakable wall. Might knock you off the main bridge with a blast of fire.

 Drangleic Castle and King's Passage

 New Items

  1. Drakekeeper set (pieces) and Drakekeeper's Warpick: dropped by dark spirit Drakekeeper Knight.
  2. Crescent SickleCurved TwinbladeBountiful Sunlight (miracle), Great Magic Barrier (miracle), Wrath of the Gods (miracle), Great Chaos Fireball (pyromancy) and Spirit Tree Shield (NG+2): all sold by Chancellor Wellager (cannot be unlocked by using Bonfire Ascetic).
  3. Ring of Blades +2 / Washing Pole + Twinkling Titanite: dropped by twin Pursuers.
  4. Dark Arrows x30: King's Gate bonfire, storage, wooden chest in a passage behind the first door on the right (NG: Dark Arrows x15).
  5. Great Magic Barrier (miracle): the same passage, corpse next to inactive Stone Knight statue (NG: Soul of a Hero + Old Radiant Lifegem x3 + Monastery Charm – all items are replaced in NG+).
  6. : drowned chest at far end of the acid pool (NG: Corrosive Urn x3 – remains in NG+). Note that two Royal Swordsmen will appear seemingly out of nowhere when you enter acid pool and given that you'll most likely be naked in order to save equipment, they might pose a threat.
  7. Petrified Something: Central Castle Drangleic bonfire, hall with 3 Old KnightsMimic chest upstairs (NG: Washing Pole + Petrified Dragon Bone – the latter remains in NG+).
  8. Old Radiant Lifegem + Petrified Dragon BoneKing's Passage, first corpse on the left (NG: a measly Lifegem).

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Drakekeeper Knight: found on top of the stairs leading to the castle, right past two Primal Knights. The spirit wields Drakekeeper Warpick and uses it to perform a highly-damaging roundhouse attack. Call it a cheat, but bow and magic work best since he has no shield.
  2. Twin Pursuers: throne room, formerly empty, is now heavily guarded. Bring Bashful Ray from the storage below to even the odds. The trick with getting cursed by one Pursuer to distract the other and make him disappear until next time bonfire is used no longer works.
  3. Dark spirit Heavy Knight (washing pole): found next to Embedded Cell, on top of a looong elevator shaft.

 Undead Crypt

 New Items

  1. Soul of a Brave WarriorGrave Warden Agdayne's domain, corpse (NG: Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier).
  2. Titanite Chunk x3: Undead Ditch bonfire, 1st graveyard, one of the multiple corpses (NG: Titanite Chunk x1 + Petrified Dragon Bone – the latter remains in NG+).
  3. Large Soul of a Brave Warrior: Undead Ditch bonfire, 2nd graveyard, corpse (NG: Soul of a Lost Undead).
  4. Elizabeth Mushroom x2 + Homeward Bone x3: 3rd graveyard, corpse (NG: Radiant Lifegem + Homeward Bone x1).

 New Enemies

There are no new enemies (enough troubles with Insolent Spirits, apparently).

 Dragon Aerie and Dragon Shrine

 New Items

  1. Elizabeth Mushroom x3: cave below the first nest, next to Crystal Lizard (NG: Radiant Lifegem).
  2. Petrified Dragon Bone x2: 2nd nest, side path, next to Dark Priestess (NG: Petrified Dragon Bone x1).
  3. Twinkling Titanite x3: Dragon Shrine, 2nd Drakekeeper, side path, wooden chest on top of the stairs (NG: Twinkling Titanite x1).

 New Enemies

There are no new enemies.



 Crown of the Sunken King

No changes up to NG+2. Need testing in NG+3 and further on.



 Crown of the Old Iron King

Note: all changes happen at NG+2.

 Brume Tower

 New Items

  1. Rogue set (minus hood), Wanderer Hood, Notched Whip and Crimson Parma: dropped by multiple Rogue dark spirits.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Ashen Warrior (axe) x2: balcony above 2nd Ashen Idol, normally occupied only with Possessed Armor.
  2. Dark spirit Ashen Warrior (axe): open area past 2nd Ashen Idol.
  3. Dark spirit Rogue: ladders past small powder storage, floor with a wooden chest. The spirit likes to throw knives from a distance, but doesn't pose much of a threat. All such spirits respawn like regular enemies.
  4. Dark spirit Ashen Warrior x2 (axe / halberd): Upper Floor bonfire, right path, hit the door with a heavy weapon to blast the barrels and unlock upper exit to arena – in addition to regular "bomber" Ashen Warrior, there will be 2 dark spirits.
  5. Dark spirit Rogue: cliffside path past the arena. Dark spirit joins Fume Sorcerers and Ashen Warriors at the exit to Foyer bonfire.
  6. Dark spirit Ashen Warrior (halberd): at the bridge leading to the elevator descending to Lowermost Floor bonfire.
  7. Dark spirit Rogue x2: a storage with cursing Ashen Idol right next to Scorching Iron Scepter pedestal. Wasn't enough trouble there before.


 Memory of the Old Iron King and Iron Passage

 New Items

There are no new items

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Alonne Knight Captain x2: found below the grid leading to Sir Alonne (more souls: 6k vs 4,5k in Iron Keep).
  2. Dark spirits Possessed Armor, Astrologist and Iron Warrior: all in the last cave before the boss (Aged Smelter Demon), in addition to the same set of regular enemies. It's hell: Astrologists heal both regular and dark spirit Iron Warriors, so either divide and conquer (from the distance, with bow or magic) or rush straight through to the boss (if Astrologists don't slow you down with their spells).



 Crown of the Ivory King

Note: all changes happen at NG+2.

 Frozen Eleum Loyce

 New Items

There are no new items.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirit Rampart Soldier: Outer Wall bonfire, right path, guards the passage blocked by caskets.
  2. Dark spirit Crystal Golem: side path leading to Old Bell Helm, just before Abandoned Dwelling bonfire.
  3. Dark spirit Rampart Golem: bridge with ballistae, left end.
  4. Dark spirit Rampart Golem: path leading to Inner Wall bonfire, just before it.
  5. Dark spirit Rampart Hedgehog x2: Lower Garrison bonfire, between white Covetous Demon and narrow path to a bunch of Giants.


 Frigid Outskirts

 New Items

  1. Archdrake set (pieces): dropped by dark spirit Archdrake Pilgrim.
  2. Faraam set (pieces): dropped by dark spirit Faraam Knight.

 New Enemies

  1. Dark spirits Archdrake Pilgrim (Mastodon Halberd) and Faraam Knight (dual swords + dual Avelyns): second ruined building.
  2. Dark spirit Rampart Golem x2: one in the third ruined building and another one on the bridge leading to boss.



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